Like an Elephant in a Porcelain Shop - A Game by Team Strongwind


You are a tiny Elephant stuck in a warehouse full of fine china. Inhale fruits to grow and break out of the porcelain door.



Move - WASD 

Jump - Space 

Run - Hold Left Shift 

Aim - Mouse

Rotate Camera - Q & E 

Inhale - Hold Right Click 

Throw - Release Right Click


This game was made during the GMTK2024 Game Jam with the theme Built to Scale

Thanks for playing the game 

We acknowledge the many bugs and issues at the moment, we'll work on a new build after the end of the Game Jam. 



Alex LJC Laporte - Lead Designer

Quentin "Cires" Tonnelier - Lead Programmer

Jovandoles - Character Artist

Leo Baron -  Level Designer 

Aliénor Picaud - Environment Artist 

Ophélie Laplaine-Marcoux - 2D Artist/3D Concept Art 

Noah Jausovec - Game Designer / Gameplay Programmer 

Ethan Butticaz - Level Designer 

Mo.rice - Sound & Music


Assets used

elephant head logo link : birds of paradise font : porkys font :

Updated 17 days ago
Published 29 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorsCiresGames, alexljclaporte, Azanoz
GenrePlatformer, Action
Tagsdes, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, pla

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